The corona crisis has increased the need to communicate remotely (as a group and 1 to 1).
At the start of the crisis, we saw a strong improvisation with regard to the use of all kinds of online communication platforms.
Tools like MS Teams, Skype, Facetime but also ZOOM are used en masse (for free).
Some of these platforms have serious privacy and security questions. Massive use regularly leads to performance issues.
Structural use is not desirable in areas such as healthcare, education but also other areas where privacy is key.
A large number of CrossmarX customers / partners have indicated that an alternative to these platforms is desirable within their businessprocess.
The following requirements have been set:
- Safe. Secure connections and data storage.
- Required functions. Chat, audio, video and presentation / whiteboard.
- Privacy. Data storage on servers in the Netherlands (managed by CrossmarX).
- Performance. Robust. Independant from massive use by others.
CrossmarX has therefore developed a service that uses the software from BigBlueButton.
This service is offered on servers set up and managed by CrossmarX in the Netherlands.
There are 2 ways to use this:
- A separate application. Details of the relevant persons (name and email address) for the virtual meetings to be organized are managed in this application. The creation of a web conference (lesson/meeting etc.), starting it, inviting and joining of participants is standard available.
- Integrate the service within already realized applications of the CrossmarX Application Platform. Any available planning functionality can be integrated with this service.
The service is free to test. Go to: webconference.nu
If you want to use this service structurally within your organization, please contact us.
- Occasional use of a separate web conference application (several times a month). Free.
- Structural use of a separate web conference application. Start EUR 25.00 per month per moderator.
- Integration of web conference service within an existing application. Price in consultation. Starting at EUR 100.00 per month for a shared server and service (excluding integration costs).